Srividya Guru Lineage (Parampara)
Srividya Sadhana, a practice that spans millennia, has been passed down through generations. Though subtle external variations in practices exist, the core philosophy remains consistent across all traditions. In Sri Lalitha Rahasyanama Stotra, Srividya’s two primary paths are outlined: Samayachara and Kaulachara. Over centuries, as Srividya spread across regions, different traditions emerged, and prampara (tradition) heads have incorporated local customs into Srividya. However, these differences are external, while the essence of Srividya’s philosophy remains unchanged and unified across its diverse expressions.
The Divine Trimurthi Swaroopa Bhagavan Sri Dattatreya is revered as the Principal Guru of our lineage. His disciple, Sri Parashurama, the sixth avatar of Sri Maha Vishnu, codified these sacred practices and passed them down as Kalpa Sutras. We are truly fortunate that these divine beings continue to be among us. Their immortal presence offers silent guidance to those yearning for liberation. Though veiled from ordinary perception, they remain ever near, revealing the eternal path to those ready to seek it.

Divya Guru's and lineage
Srividya Guru Parampara
Srividya’s sacred teachings have been passed down through the Guru-Shishya lineage, preserving its practices with reverence. Within the Dattatreya Sampradaya, Sri Dakshinamurthi and Sri Dattatreya stand as Principal Gurus.
Parashurama, the sixth avatar of Sri Maha Vishnu, received initiation into Srividya from Guru Dattatreya. In turn, Parashurama meticulously compiled these esoteric teachings into the Parashurama Kalpa Sutra, which outlines the core practices of Srividya Sadhana through progressive stages known as Kramas, offering a structured spiritual path for Self-realization.
The Tripura Rahasya is a central text in the Srividya tradition and is considered one of the highest works on non-dualistic philosophy. It consists of three sections: Mahatmya Khanda, Gnana Khanda, and Charya Khanda. This scripture presents a dialogue between Guru Dattatreya and Parashurama, imparting profound wisdom. It shares notable elements with the Pratyabhijna school of Kashmir Shaivism, another advanced non-dual philosophy. The text offers deep insights into the nature of consciousness, reality, and spiritual liberation.

Sri Vidya Guru
Sri Chaitanya
Sri Chaitanya (Deeksha name: Sri Chaitanyananda Natha) has followed a deeply spiritual path illuminated by intense tapasya (deep meditation) from an early age. His life has been a journey of unwavering commitment to mastering sacred practices and wisdom, leading him to become a guiding light for seekers on the path of spiritual awakening.
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