Srividya Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is committed to promoting ancient Indian wisdom and culture, with a focus on Yoga, Meditation, Srividya Sadhana, classical arts, and holistic living. Through our online courses, workshops, and cultural performances, we strive to preserve and share these traditions with people worldwide. Your generous donations help us continue this mission and are tax-exempt, ensuring that you directly contribute to the preservation and growth of these ancient practices.
- Your donation supports expanding our educational programs and outreach.
- Helps provide scholarships to those in need.
- Promotes the preservation of ancient Indian wisdom for future generations.
- Donations are tax-exempt and benefit you by promoting spiritual growth and well-being.
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Our Impact Projects
If you are interested in contributing or volunteering for the projects, please write to

Learning Centers

Meditation Centres
Meditation Centers to support Sadhaka’s in their spiritual and personal growth. Guidence and professional counselling for overall development.

Social Enterprises
Social entrepreneurship prioritizes positive social impact over profit, measuring success by the difference made in communities and addressing societal challenges, rather than financial gains.